The process of changing the characteristics of wood and extending the life of it by using chemical substances is called impregnation .Typical impregnated wood is being under comprehensive treatments in which it becomes more strong. Impregnation also causes preservation from water, moisture, decay and pests duo to chemical substances taken deep into the timber structure .Impregnated wood is suitable for outdoor designing such as garden furniture ,balcony structure ,fences and etc…
Different methods are used in impregnating the wood depending on the purpose of the wood like lubrication, spraying ,hot- bath ,cold- bath, vacuum, low-pressure and high-pressure method. It has to be considered that impregnated wood product are not a risk to the public.
Lubrication method for impregnation is a method impregnation process is done with a brush or rollers .Application of impregnation substances should be done in two layers in order to protect the wood effectively.
In spraying method impregnation is done by spraying device under pressure.
Hot bath impregnation is a process takes place in hot chemical bath in order to make the wood impregnated deeply.
Impregnation wood in cold bath method involves introducing impregnation substances to wood in cold bath and takes substances to the depth of timbers.
Vacuum impregnation process means closing wood in air-tight containers with pressure.
Low-pressure method is impregnating the wood in a sealed device in a low pressure. In this process ,wood compressed and getting impregnated by low pressure.
High-pressure method is the most common method for impregnating the wood. Exposing the wood to chemical materials in atmospheric condition is the prominent way of impregnation.